Letter from Pastor Lawrence Scott
I am excited about the wonderful things God is doing with our local church and am blessed to be a part of a loving group of individuals who passionately pursue Jesus Christ; a group who desire to see the life of people transformed by the Gospel of Jesus Christ. It was only a few years ago in the Fall of 2013 after years of prayer, preparation, and consultation that our team set out to plant Harvest Point Fellowship Church. We were reminded of what Jesus spoke in Matthew 9:37-38 when He said, “The harvest is plentiful but the workers are few. Ask the Lord of the harvest, therefore, to send out workers into his harvest field.” With this in mind, we envisioned a church that would equip workers for the harvest. A place where lives are transformed by the power of Jesus and spiritual growth is commonplace.
Since the launch service on February 16, 2014, we have seen tremendous growth, and to live out the mission and vision God has given His church, we have been praying and planning our next steps.
This website provides information about our Project Next: Building for Our Future. By supporting this project, you will be contributing in a meaningful way to the future of Harvest Point Fellowship Church and leave a legacy impacting our community and the people of God.
In the few years we have been gathering, we have seen God do some amazing things, and we are excited about the future. Please view our FAQ page to get more details regarding the vision for our local church and this project.
Thank you for reading this and considering how God would use you to help advance the Gospel through Project Next: Building for Our Future.
– Lawrence Scott, Lead Pastor
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