Frequently Asked Questions
We thought you might have some questions about the campaign. Here are some of the answers.
What are the expectations for those who may contribute to Project Next?
We are asking every member of the church do two things:
- Prayerfully seek the Lord and ask Him how can you participate in this project. We recognize that not everyone can give the same amount of money, but we can all give sacrificially and generously.
- Pray that the Lord will use this project for the glory of Jesus Christ and that future generations will be impacted by the Gospel of His Kingdom.
When is the actual construction going to start?
The Summer of 2022
How long will it take to complete the construction of the building?
12 -14 months (Weather Permitting)
How much will this project cost?
Our current budget is $5,200,000.00
What phase of the project are we currently in?
We are preparing to close on our loan. Closing is scheduled for May 27th.
When will we have our 1st Worship Service in the New Facility?
Summer of 2023
What is the address of our future location?
2450 Garden Road, Pearland Texas 77581
Who is our General Contractor?
Construction and Real Estate Services
Michel Smith, V.P. (Vice President) of Preconstruction & Project Management
Who is our Architect?

Steven Upham, M. Arch., NCARB, President
What finance company are we using?
BILL DODSON | Managing Director
Stifel Public Finance | Religion Finance Practice
Who is our Civil Engineer?
Amanda Barbier, P.E. (Principal Engineer), Project Manager
Who is our Structural Engineer, developing shop drawings & fabricating the steel for the building?
Chris Greer, Sales Manager, Central Region
Who should I contact if I have any questions, concerns or suggestions about Project Next?
Kenneth Senegal
Executive Pastor
Harvest Point Fellowship Church
Mobile: (713) 376-4017